St Mary's Old Girls' Association
In Great Things - Unity - In Small Things - Liberty - In All Things - Charity
St Mary's Wantage
Daily Routine for Girls 1967
Monday to Friday
7.10 Rising bell.
(7.25 Thursdays only take dirty laundry to Linen Room or S.Gabriel's landing). Strip bedclothes completely off beds and fold over chairs on Mondays and Thursdays. Strip right back on other days.
7.35 Breakfast. Go downstairs as soon as the bell rings.
8.00 Bedmaking; put away ornaments and photographs.
8.20 Housework (lists are in the Lobby). Those not doing housework must go into the garden.
8.40 Prayers in Chapel. On Monday go to the Hall for Assembly.
9.00 Form time, followed by lessons.
10.25 Break until 10.40. Letters are put out.
12.40 Get ready for dinner and wait in the Lobby.
12.55 Bell for dinner. Go to the refectories in silence.
1.20 Out of doors. (Recreation rooms if wet). Do not go upstairs until 1.50.
2.00 Lessons.
4.20 Change into afternoon dresses. Hang up your tunic and blouse. Wait in the Lobby for the tea bell at 4.35.
5.00 House Sisters available at 5.00 p.m.
7.00 Prayers in the Chapel, followed by prep. (UIII prayers after Supper). Parcels are given out - watch board for times.
7.00 Supper, followed by recreation in House Rooms.
7.40 Upper III go to bed.
8.00 Lower IV go to bed.
7.30 Rising Bell
7.50 Breakfast
8.45 Housework
9.00 Chapel
Hairwashing during morning
10.45 Break
12.55 Dinner
4.25 Roll-call in houses
4.30 Tea
7.00 Supper
8.05 Rising bell
8.30 Breakfast
9.20 Bell for Mass, go straight to chapel
9.30 Mass
Change into tunics or jeans after Mass
10.45 Letter writing
11.15 Biscuits
12.55 Dinner
4.25 Roll-call for tea
6.30 Change into Sunday dress
6.50 Supper
N.B Weekend time-tables vary, so look at the blackboards.
DISPENSARY Immediately after breakfast and dinner, also five minutes before bedtime. Any other time in an emergency.
BATHS Three baths a week. To be taken at the time and bathroom given on the list outside S. Mary's dispensary or S.Gabriel’s Matrons' Room. It is important to keep these times and places so that everyone has a fair share of the time and hot water available.
LAUNDRY Clean sheets and clothes are collected from the Linen Room or S.Gabriel's landing immediately after lunch on Wednesday. On Wednesday evening enter all dirty clothes including swim towels, face towels and flannels (NOT sheets, pillow cases or bath towels), in your laundry book, and put ready to take to the Linen Room or S. Gabriel’s at 7.25 the following morning. Every girl is expected to send at least one complete set of underwear, (2 or 3 prs. linings), 1 blouse, (2 dresses in summer), 2 pairs of fawn stockings and 2 pairs of blue. Cardigans, overalls, games shirt and socks should be sent at least once a fortnight. Do not wash any clothes unless you have special permission from the Matron on duty. Dresses, tunics and cardigans which need to be cleaned should be Linen Room by 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday.
REPAIRS SHOES to be taken to the Linen Room on Monday at 1.20 p.m.
CLOTHES Hand in any repairs to a Matron as soon as the damage is discovered.
MENDING At 1.20 p.m. on Thursday in House Rooms.
FURNITURE Any damage caused to furniture upstairs must be reported to a Matron; if it is caused downstairs report it to your Form Mistress.
EXTRA MILK Taken at breakfast, tea or supper.
Note on sewing: Never bring sewing upstairs because pins or needles in bedding can be dangerous to yourself and others.
Cloakroom locker All games clothes, macs, outdoor shoes, shoe cleaning equipment, lacrosse sticks, wellingtons, gym shoes and lacrosse boots.
Recreation locker Writing cases, needlework boxes and sewing. Do not leave workboxes in the Needlework Room.
A comment from a SMOG on seeing this……. ‘the daily routine eeekk! You missed out Sunday Walks - the bain of my life! Also on Sundays those taking communion used to have breakfast after mass and got hot sausage rolls. Many of us took communion just for this reason..... and we used to open up the sausage rolls, eat the sausage and then spread the pastry with butter and marmalade!’