St Mary's Old Girls' Association
In Great Things - Unity - In Small Things - Liberty - In All Things - Charity

SMOGs Businesses
Sweet Freedom - the natural alternative to sugar
Deborah Pyner (Adams, 1987) and her business partner Tina Michelucci have created the very first fruit based natural alternative to sugar and it’s now available on the sugar shelf in Waitrose,
Ocado.com, Morrisons, Asda, Booths and local delis, farm shops and health food shops. It’s been an interesting few years taking this excellent and unique product to market (the ‘old girl’ network is a huge help, your support is very much appreciated!), and it’s now widely available and selling really well. Made entirely from the sugars found in fruit (apples, grapes and carob) it is also extracted using no chemicals or enzymes and has nothing added to it.
Hugely popular with kids in place of other syrups and honey, and a good choice for diabetics too, it is a healthier choice with no sacrifice in taste – Great Taste Award Gold Stars (known as the ‘foodie Oscars’) 2012 - 1 star for the Original (mild and neutral to replace white sugar) and 2 stars for the Dark (richer, more syrupy, for porridge, pancakes, toast). Naturally low Glycaemic (GI/GL), low in fructose, and with 25% fewer calories than sugar you can use it in tea, coffee, cooking and baking – anywhere you’d usually use sugar, honey or artificial sweeteners.
For more information and delicious recipes visit www.sweetfreedom.co.uk.