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Impressive A Level Performance

Over four-fifths of students at the leading independent girls’ school Heathfield in Ascot have gained A*-B grades in their A Levels.

Candidates achieved an impressive clean sweep of A*-B grades in eleven subjects including Mathematics, Economics, History, French, German, Art and Design and Music.

Eight in ten of the A Levels sat at the Berkshire school were awarded A*-C grades in this year’s A Levels. Over a fifth of the exams taken (22%) were awarded the highest A*- A grades.

One in five also scored an impressive two A*-A grades in their A Levels.

Four in ten of the school’s A Level candidates also sat a Science or Maths A Level, significantly above the national average for girls at either state schools or for girls in mixed independent schools.

The school’s excellence in the Arts was confirmed again with six in ten A Level candidates sitting an Art A Level with over three-quarters (77%) achieving A*-B grades. In September 2014, Heathfield becomes the only school in the UK to have a progression partnership with the prestigious London College of Fashion at the University of the Arts London.

The results see pupils confirming places at top UK universities including Exeter, SOAS, Sheffield, Newcastle, Glasgow and City University, London and international institutions including the renowned art institute Parsons in New York.

Head of Heathfield School, Mrs Jo Heywood, said: ‘This set of A Level results is set to ensure our leaving Sixth Formers will all go on to higher education in the UK and internationally. Our girls and staff worked extremely hard this year to achieve another impressive set of results.’

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